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Whether you have a small marketing budget or a large marketing budget and believe me, Rex Richard knows that the “budget number” is relative — you need to ensure you’re getting the biggest bang for your Google buck. We have 5 tips for writing Google ad copy that will help you get found in a search and potentially convert clicks into customers for your swimming pool business.

Writing effective ad copy is as important as writing effective blog copy because if you don’t get an ROI or if you don’t know what return on your investment (ROI) you’re seeking you’re throwing money away. It is crucial in this era of trying to claim your corner of the market to allocate your marketing dollars so you see the greatest return.

How can you write Google ad copy that converts? How can you not only convert but prompt action? We have insight.

5 Tips For Writing Google Ad Copy

  1.  Use persuasive words. Be direct. “Buy now” “sale ends tomorrow” “only three in stock.” Don’t be coy. Even if you think your reader will know that they should buy or click, you need to have a direct call to action.
  2. When a potential customer does a Google search and your ad pops up, make sure you are answering the question they typed in the search bar. Use your Google ad to talk about how you can address their pain point. Speak to their pain, not to how “great you are.”
  3. Scarcity gets a potential client to take action. “Act now to sign up for one of the TWENTY spots available!” You can use a limited quantity (as in the previous example or limited time) “Sign up before midnight tonight when the price increases by 50%!” Remember, don’t overuse a “limited time only” every month — it quickly becomes a lie.
  4. What is your USP (unique selling proposition)? What can you do better and faster? Don’t compete on price. You don’t want to compete on “being the cheapest.”
  5. Make the ad about your potential client — not about you! No one cares how great you are. They want to know how your item/product/service will help THEM. They will care how great you are once they get to know you. Connect with them on a level of, “we know where you are — we’ve been there. That’s why we created XYZ to help YOU or people in YOUR situation.”

What is your PPC (pay per click) budget? What is the return on your budget? Are you employing tracking numbers or unique URLs so you can track where the traffic is coming from? You can’t measure what you don’t track. Give Rex and his Peak Dynamics team a call and let’s talk about your ad copy and how we can help you amp up your ROI