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Twitter is either loved or hated by marketers and business owners alike. Are you using Twitter ‘correctly’? It’s a question many business owners ask themselves. Should you be sharing content there? Just retweeting others? Is anyone even reading your tweets?

The Twitter feed moves so quickly it’s hard to tell if your tweets are even being seen. Hint, there is a new analytics tool within Twitter that will help you determine the effectiveness of your tweets.

You may find if you’re not tweeting you are missing online conversations that are of benefit for your business and into which you can interject your knowledge and expertise.

Are You Using Twitter ‘Correctly’?

Maximize the time spent on Twitter:

  1. Monitor conversations. You can search conversations and look at trending topics by using hashtags. Monitor conversations on the platform itself or by using a platform like Hootsuite.
  2. Grab your own hashtag. Use a hashtag for your company that your customers know about and will use to give your company more visibility.
  3. Retweeting is a great way to share valuable content AND get others to know about you and your brand. Sharing is caring. Retweet (RT) and this may get your content retweeted.
  4. Jump on twitter for promotions. Use Twitter to A-B test product launches.
  5. Build your brand on Twitter. Start conversations. Reach customers on a global scale. Connect with people on Twitter — you can follow anyone — unlike Facebook where they have to “accept” you.
  6. Make use of Twitter lists. Divide your contacts into lists. It’s easier to track their conversations AND Twitter will notify them that they have been added to a list.

Be social on Twitter. Have conversations. Reply to people who come across your feed or who share your content. Twitter, as with all social platforms, needs to be social, not always salesy.  Are you using Twitter? Do you find it valuable?


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