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By now you probably realize that blogging isn’t a fad that is going to fade away. Blogging is an ideal way to grow your business. Customers are online and make most of their purchasing decisions based on what they find out, read about you online before they ever step foot into your business or make an online purchase from you.

If you’re still not blogging, you are missing opportunities to grow your business in a way that doesn’t make you seem pushy or by making you look as if you’re always selling. Your blog is your 24/7 calling card to the world and the posts you put on it can range from:

  • Telling people how great you are
  • Sharing your expertise
  • Sharing the ways in which your goods or services will improve the lives of the users

How can your blog (which should be housed on a page on your website) help you connect with potential clients? Here are three ways:

  1. Being able to read about you and get to know you helps build a potential clients’ confidence in what you do and how you do it.
  2. Your blog will help your potential clients get to know who you are — the face behind the brand, as it were. Your blog can be a home for employee profiles and for other information that not only tells about your business, but about the people who deliver the goods and services.
  3. The information you share on your blog shows your expertise and if you’re answering the questions that customers are asking, you are providing a great service and this will put you front and center when a buying decision needs to be made.

Depending on the type of business you operate you could even offer a free sample to help alleviate a potential client’s fears of working with you for the first time. A money back guarantee is an easy way to do this, as is a trial period. Are you blogging? If not, why not?

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