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When you talk about your business at a networking event, do potential clients immediately associate your business name with your brand? If you don’t know what I mean think about Nike or McDonald’s – you had an immediate response to those names, right? You know who they are as a brand. That is something all entrepreneurs should strive to do with their own business — create an unforgettable brand.

How can you do that? Here are some of my best practice tips to create and build your online business brand:services-web-development-services-on-light


  • Have a unique brand name. If your business name also lets a potential client know what you do — more the better. Create a brand name, grab that URL and you have taken your first step in building your business brand.
  • What is your brand’s position in the market? This means you need to build your voice. You need to know what your business is, or will be, known for.
  • Now that you’ve got a business name and a URL, it’s time to create content to help build your brand. This part of the process is where your blog content will help establish you as an expert in the niche you’ve chosen.
  • Learn to tell your business story. Don’t simply stand up and give an elevator speech — let the listening audience know why you have the business you have. Everyone has a unique business story to tell. What’s yours?
  • Integrate your business and its culture into the social media space. Build a community. Speak their language. Build your brand.

Do you know your business brand? Are you effectively building it on social media? Remember to keep your messaging consistent across your social platforms — if you’re breeze or authoritative that should be the “voice” in which you write, no matter where you write.

If not, we can help. Send us an email to get started.


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