If your business uses social media “correctly” it can easily connect with its target market, can help generate leads and could potentially help you build a relationship so you can turn those leads into sales. What should you know before your business claims its space in the virtual world? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Remember that social media is like throwing open a window into your business and its culture. Plan for what you want the public to see when they visit your virtual site. You will also want to make certain that if you’re claiming your space in the virtual world for your business that you are active on your page. There is nothing so sad as a business owner who grabs a Facebook page for his or her business and then never posts. Your visitors may believe you’re no longer in business and may go visit a site that is offering services or products similar to your own. If you are on social media, be active and post regularly.

Complete your online profile as fully as possible.

When producing content, make certain it’s “good” content. Posting a status for the sake of posting is as detrimental as not posting at all. Post information that shows your authority in your specific business niche. Become the go-to resource for your clients and potential clients. If there is breaking news in your industry, be the first to share it. If you are launching a new product or service, do so on your social media pages and offer it to your loyal followers first. Market-Research

Your followers don’t come to your page to be constantly sold to. If that’s how you’re using your social media pages, they will soon stop paying attention to your updates. Providing valuable information is the best way to build a loyal following who may turn into a client.

Build relationships with your audience. Social media should be just that — social. Respond to comments on your social media pages and on your blog. Start a conversation. Interact. Let your followers know the “real” you behind your business. Share content that your followers have put out as well. Connect with like-minded colleagues.

Don’t forget to be producing content on your blog as that is the hub of all of your social media activity — or should be. Additionally, it’s wise to build your platform on real estate you own and you own your blog content.



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