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Content Marketing Tips For Start Ups

Is there a difference between content marketing for ongoing business entities and start ups? Yes. And no. The main difference that start up entrepreneurs face is not knowing where to begin and how to keep moving forward with content marketing for their business entities. When you’re an ongoing entity, you have likely overcome the bumps that come with content marketing for start ups. As a start up, you want to hit the ground running and put forth content that is not only worth your time to write or pay someone to write for you and you want to soar past potential mistakes to make your content marketing work for you from day one.

Here are our content marketing tips for start ups

content marketingKnow your audience

If you don’t know for whom you’re writing then you’re just throwing dust into the wind. Know your ideal customer and write content they would appreciate. Simple as that. Kind of. Not only do you need to know what your audience wants to read, but you need to know where they gather. Are they on Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter? Will they even read your blog? Understanding your demographic is the first and best way to know where and how to target your content.

Understand the nuances of writing 

Writing a blog post is a different form of writing than is a newspaper article. In fact, all online writing is different and has unique nuances as compared to print articles. You need to craft a headline that is not only searchable by Google, but one that draws a reader in. You need to make certain your content delivers on the headline’s promise. In other words, no click-bait headlines. When writing a blog post, stick to one topic only. Add in bullet points or numbered lists to make it easier to read. Many of your readers will look at the blog post on their mobile device, make it easy to read.

SEO matters 

You need to understand search engine optimization. At its most basic, SEO, is the way in which a reader will find you, based on the content and keywords you use. If you are a POOL SERVICE company in ATLANTA, GEORGIA those may be your keywords. You need to know the keywords for which you want to be found and use them in your post. Do not keyword stuff. Think like your potential readers would when they are doing a Google search — this is a helpful way to know which keywords to use. For example, maybe your potential clients are searching POOL CLEANERS rather than POOL SERVICE. Know how they are finding you and know what your competition is using.

A Call To Action

At the end of every blog post you should have a CTA. This could be a “call us now,” or a “click here to read more,” or “sign up for our newsletter,” or “take our upcoming class.” Don’t just end the blog post without giving your reader an indication of the action you’d like them to take.

How well is your content serving you? Do you have questions? Do you need or want a review of your website and its content? Give us a call or send us an email. Content marketing tips for start ups are an important part of your overall marketing plan and should be considered from the day you open your doors.

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