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There are very few industries that cannot benefit from a Pinterest presence. From swimming pool service to accounting to dog grooming to beekeeping, Pinterest is a viable option and another outlet to share information and blog posts about your business. It is the image that you choose that helps you utilize the power of Pinterest regardless of the type of business you operate.

  1. Choose an image that is unique. Pinterest is eye-candy for the business owner. Writing a blog post about cleaning a swimming pool? Grab a beautiful photo and embed the pool cleaning tips on the image. Posting about accounting? Find an image that fits the content and pin away.
  2. Choose vertical images and size them to a height of 735 pixels by 1102 pixels.
  3. Add some text. You can’t add a “click here to find out more” text, but you can add simple text that calls out various aspects of your blog post content as a “call to action.”
  4. Add a description to the image text editor. Pinterest offers an area where you can add a description and a link to your blog post, don’t forget to add that information to help gain value from your pins.
  5. Pin the image to the appropriate Pinterest board. Make boards for your Pinterest page that highlight what you’re pinning about. Add keywords that will make your boards searchable.

Are you using Pinterest? Are your pins gaining any re-pins or shares? Don’t forget, when you’re on Pinterest to like and follow the boards of others and to re-pin and share pins to your page that make sense with the type of business you are running.