As an entrepreneur you can’t be all things to all people nor should you try. As an entrepreneur, too, you can’t be on all social platforms and work them effectively. How entrepreneurs can build their social following without spreading yourself too thin. Know, too that if you don’t have time to devote to a social channel, it may be best not to set up a page. It’s better to not have the page than to have a page with no postings.

How Entrepreneurs Can Build Their Social Following

  1. Know where your ideal client congregates. If they aren’t on Instagram and you are spending time and money there, you’re wasting your money. If you’re not on Instagram and your clients are, you are missing out.
  2. Pick a primary channel. You can interact on as many pages as you have bandwidth for, but know what your primary social channel is and devote more time there than to other pages. You have likely noticed that some businesses are more active on Facebook than LinkedIn or Instagram instead of Pinterest. Know where your audience is, be there.
  3. Be an influencer. How? By interacting. By answering questions. By posting relevant and useful information. Share information that your followers want to see — hint — it doesn’t always have to be your information. In fact, it’s best if you aren’t always self promoting.
  4. Use professional images. Don’t break the bank by buying images, but don’t take fuzzy cell phone photos because that will dilute your brand and your message.
  5. Have an editorial calendar for your social pages and make sure you’re active on them frequently.

What social platforms do you interact on the most? Why or how did you choose those platforms. Do you know — without a doubt — where your potential clients are on social? Are you devoting your efforts and money there? If not, you should be! If you aren’t certain you’re on the right platforms and whether you’re using them to your best advantage, reach out to us, we can help.

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