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Do you do an e-newsletter for your business? Do you know how to grow your blog numbers with your e-newsletter? It is possible and it should be something you plan to do. Why? Because your e-newsletter mailing list is like gold. You own the list. Your subscribers trusted you enough to invite you into their inbox and read (hopefully) your newsletter when it arrives.

If you knw how to effectively use your e-newsletter you can drive traffic to your blog and amp up your readership numbers. There are benefits to doing this, not the least of which is additional advertising revenue and the ability to be seen as an influencer in your niche.

Grow Your Blog Numbers With Your E-Newsletter

Here are our best practice steps for growing your blog readership.

  1. Don’t send unsolicited e-newsletters. Just because you meet someone and they give you their business card doesn’t mean you can add them to your email list. You need to ask for their permission. End of story.
  2. Keep your branding consistent. People who see your e-newsletter then see your blog should know the information is from the same person.
  3. Know who your subscribers are. Once they’ve subscribed, ask questions to get to know them. This will let you sort them into the correct marketing buckets. You don’t want to market to a dog owner with cat centric material.
  4. Keep your promises. If you say you will only email once a month, don’t start emailing once a week, unless you let your subscribers know there is a change coming.
  5. Drive the reader back to your blog. Tease your blog content in your e-newsletter, but have them click to the blog to finish reading your article. You want to be able to track clicks.

Make it easy for a reader to unsubscribe. You’re not being clever by hiding the unsubscribe button. Make it easy. You don’t want people on your list who aren’t opening the emails — they skew your numbers.

Do you do an e-newsletter? What is your success aka open rate? Do you wish it was higher? We can help!

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