Swimming pool builders and swimming pool service professionals are busy. We get it! Rex Richard and his team have worked with swimming pool professionals and have helped them market their businesses. We have a proven strategy and how how to effectively find pool industry leads — aka new customers for new pool construction or pool owners who want to outsource their pool cleaning and maintenance to a professional.

We know that when the pool season is in high gear, or if your business is in one of the states or areas of the country in which swim season is year-round, there is simply no time to prepare a marketing strategy much less have the time and resources or manpower to implement one. You certainly don’t want to outsource the marketing of your livelihood to the “friend of a friend who has a teenager who’s really good on social media.” Your business and its reputation are too important to do that!

How To Effectively Find Pool Industry Leads

Marketing is more than just putting up a social media post on Facebook or Twitter or sharing an image on Instagram or even sending out a newsletter to current and potential customers. Marketing is about consistency, sharing the “right” message and interacting with those who are your potential ideal client. We have honed our proficiency and expertise in the swimming pool market — in fact, Rex Richard comes from a swimming pool contractor background so he has intimate knowledge of the industry.

Here are some tips on effectively marketing your pool business and finding leads

  1. Set up your social media pages with images, a complete company bio, links to your site, photos of jobs completed and jobs in progress. Make sure all of your contact information is available.
  2. Post consistently. If you set up your social media pages then never post to them a potential client may do a search and find your website and social media pages but then they see no posts. This will subconsciously make them think you aren’t in business. You know you’re too busy building pools and taking care of clients that you haven’t had time to post, but they don’t know that and may move onto your competition simply because it is posting.
  3. Offer unique pool information and insights. Give fun trivia. Share pool care tips. Highlight happy customer comments. Share beautiful photos. Answer questions.
  4. Collect names and send out a regular newsletter. If someone comes to your site, give them a “lead magnet” to get them to give you their name and email address. Once you have this information, honor the trust they put in you and only share great information with them in the newsletter. Use this medium to offer coupons and special information you don’t share elsewhere. Your newsletter list is the best lead nurturer there is.
  5. Keep your website up to date. Google and other search engines LOVE a website that is updated regularly. How can you do that? Through blog posts. A consistent blog schedule keeps your site fresh and current and helps you rank in Google — especially if you’re using the correct key words.

Don’t let these five marketing strategies scare you! They are a necessary part of building your business, fostering customer loyalty and helping with word of mouth referrals. When you send an e-newsletter and post continuously and consistently on social media your swimming pool business will become the go-to for new builds and ongoing pool maintenance contracts.

Reach out to Rex Richard today, request a free quote and let his team market your business so you can concentrate on your core business – pool builds and service.

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