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Do you want to write all your blog posts and all of your content with the only goal in mind being to please the Google Gods? We certainly hope not BUT you cannot ignore the fact that Google will help your site rank – or not – and how to get the attention of Google while still providing value to your readers.

Remember the content in your blog post is valuable to your readers. Why? Because if you give value, they will come back. If you’re writing a blog post that is filled with SEO terms and is virtually unreadable because you’re keyword stuffing, they won’t come back. Google may help you rank, but if there’s no readers, does it matter?

How To Get The Attention Of Google

Here are a few ways to provide valuable content and appease Google’s algorithms.

  1. What is trending? Now don’t write all of your blog posts and social media content based on a trending topic BUT if your niche fits with the trending topic, then write a post about it. Trending topics are trending for a reason – people are searching for it and others are writing about it.
  2. Look at your analytics and find what terms people are using to find you and your site. You may think your most searchable keyword is X but it’s really Y. Don’t fight it – write about Y. You may also want to find out why you’re becoming known for Y instead of X. This will also help you know who your audience is and what they want.
  3. Headlines matter and they must be attention-grabbing and they must also not be misleading. Click bait headlines will only work once and you will lose your credibility with your readers.
  4. Use images and break up your blog post with sub heads, bulleted lists and numbered lists.
  5. End with a clear call to action. If a reader has stayed with you until the end of your post, you want to prompt an action. Every blog needs to have a call to action.
  6. Link back to articles on your site within each blog post to help highlight your content and teach more in-depth knowledge and share more of your expertise.

Our call to action for you in this post is to look at your blog posts and dig into the analytics and see what is getting read, how you’re getting searched and what you can do to write about a trending topic. If you’re struggling with content and with how to analyze it, reach out to us, we can help. 

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