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Are you receiving more marketing emails now than at any time in the past? Is the COVID-19 shut down lead to more entrepreneurs revamping, regrouping and restarting their email campaigns? We don’t know, but if you are sending emails you want to know how to get your emails opened and read, right?

If you’re putting the time into sending out emails you want to ensure they are valuable for your list and that the time you’re putting in is reaping rewards.

How To Get Your Emails Opened And Read

Now just might be the time to connect with people on your list. They’re home. You’re looking to build your community and you can do that in a socially distancing way through your emails.

Here are our best tips to get your emails opened, read and acted upon

  1. Get on a regular schedule. If your readers come to expect your email on Tuesdays at 10 am Eastern, then keep to the schedule.
  2. Don’t inundate their inbox. Virtually no one wants to open their email and see that you’ve sent a dozen more emails. Once a week is a good schedule.
  3. Write a subject line that draws them in and that teases at what’s to come if they open the email missive. A captivating subject line could make the difference between opening or just moving the email to the trash.
  4. Make your content valuable. Your readers probably don’t want to hear about your trials and tribulations, but they will want to read a story they can relate to. How is your business coping and course correcting to serve them during this pandemic? Talk about that. Make your content fun and engaging.
  5. Branding matters in your messaging. Keep the design consistent and clean. Don’t clutter it with too many photos or images. If you’re sharing blog content, just share a teaser sentence and a link to your site. Many readers are reading on a phone or tablet and they don’t want to wait for a lot of images to load and a lot of text to read.
  6. Shorter is better. As mentioned above, if you’re sharing blog content, just share a snippet. You want the subscriber to go to your site. Keep the newsletter to 200 words or fewer. Use bullet points and numbers and bold letters to help point out the content you feel is important. Be mindful of their time.
  7. Don’t forget a call to action. Sure, it’s nice if they’re reading your newsletter, but what do you want them to do once they’re done? Just close it and go away? No. You want them to click, to buy, to interact, to share their own story.

Thank your readers for opening the newsletters. You could feature a subscriber in a newsletter — do a brief interview. Your email subscriber list is a valuable business commodity — make sure you use it wisely.

How often are you sending a newsletter? If you’re not sending a newsletter, why aren’t you? Do you need help setting up a schedule and a program? Reach out to us, we can help.

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