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Having a Facebook presence is great. How to make your Facebook page searchable is even better. It’s not enough to simply have a Facebook page. If you have it and no one is visiting, interacting, posting or commenting on what you’re writing, is it worth the effort?
You’re putting the time and effort into creating Facebook status updates you want to make sure people see them and can find your business.

How To Make Your Facebook Page Searchable

There are some simple steps to take to make sure people can find you in a search. You need to optimize your social media pages just as you optimize your website with keywords and keyphrases.
Take these steps today:
  • Complete your store hours, your address, contact information, phone number. A complete profile will show potential customers how to find you, when you’re open and your contact information. If you don’t have a brick and mortar you can put in a post office box or leave it blank if you don’t want people knocking on the door of your home!
  • Determine the category for your business and fill that in. There aren’t a lot of options for categories on Facebook so chose the one that makes the most sense.
  • Fill in your business description. Fill in both the short and the long description. Use keywords and key phrases that your clients use to find you or search you out in a Google search.
  • Add in a cover photo for your Facebook page. Decide whether you want your profile photo to be an image of you or a company logo. Keep in mind that potential clients will want to feel as though they know you and a photo of you will help them feel that connection.
  • Make sure your Facebook web address is unique to your page. When you first set up a Facebook business page it will give you the name you’ve chosen and a long string of numbers. You want to remove the long string of numbers so your page is searchable.

Is your Facebook page, and your other social media pages fully optimized? If not, take some time today to do just that.