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Are you using Twitter for your business? If not you could be missing an opportunity to interact with those in your industry and to connect with potential clients. As of March 2015 there were 289,000,000 active Twitter users. Chances are your audience is there too!

If you’re using Twitter you need to have a complete profile and you need to be active there. It doesn’t help your business to set up a social media platform and not interact. Here are ways to make your Twitter bio as robust as possible:

  1. Let people know what you do. This may seem a no brainer, but there are myriad Twitter profiles that don’t “say” anything about who the person behind the page is or what they do. Use searchable key terms such as, “business coach, best-selling author, social media expert, swimming pool service professional” etc.
  2. Do you have a mission or vision statement that you could share in your bio? If so, then do so.
  3. Do you use custom hashtags in your business? If so, add those to your Twitter profile. Make them your own, as in, if you host twitter chats use the same hashtag to build brand recognition. For example, #MyTuesdayTwitterChat
  4. Use your Twitter bio to drive traffic to your home page with the promise of a “free offer” for signing up.
  5. If you’ve recently published a book or have designed an opt-in update your Twitter bio to include that. “Jane Doe, author of recently published Amazon best seller, The XYZ Book” then include a link. (Consider using a link shortner such as
  6. Let your followers “get to know you.” Be aware though that if you tell your religious or political persuasion in your bio, it might lose you followers. But on the other hand, there will be those who will flock to you simply because you were honest and you stated your affiliations.
  7. Let followers know what they will get when they follow your Twitter feed. For example, “I tweet marketing tips for swimming pool professionals,” or “I tweet info that helps you grow your social media biz.”

As with any of the social media platforms on which you are involved: Set up a complete profile and be active. If you aren’t certain whether your potential clients are gathering on Twitter or Facebook or even LinkedIn, ask!