LinkedIn is an ideal place for a business owner to interact and connect with other business owners. As with other social media platforms, though, there is etiquette that you need to adhere to. Yes, LinkedIn is a more “business appropriate” platform than is Facebook, for example, you still don’t want to use your updates to be constantly trying to make a sale or to continually promoting your goods and services.
Here are my best practice tips for LinkedIn Etiquette:
- Don’t send a connection invitation without a personal note. Add a reason why you’re sending the connection request. For example, “We me at a local networking event and I’d love to connect” is much better than sending the LinkedIn message without a personal note.
- Upload your profile picture. If you’re a business professional who doesn’t have a professional headshot, step away from the computer and get one done today. Don’t crop yourself out of a family wedding photo and upload that. Use a professional photo.
- Thank individuals who have requested to connect with you. Welcome them and comment on what they’re posting. Be social.
- Be professional. As mentioned above, don’t be always selling. Build relationships first.
- Be active and comment on status updates of others.
- Don’t post too often. Even if you have brilliant things to say, space your messages out.
- If someone sends you a message through your LinkedIn account, respond promptly.
Are you utilizing your LinkedIn account? Is it helping you make business connections?