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The digital age has “forced” many entrepreneurs to take on the role of writer or copywriter, or to hire one to perform the task. Why is your digital content so important? To cut through the clutter, business owners need to set themselves apart and if you’re telling potential clients that, “We deliver great customer service,” well… so are many other service providers. What can set you apart is your business story and you can share that story over the course of a series of blog posts. These posts can share how you started, why you started, how you do what you do and where storytelling you’re going.

Here are some stories you can consider telling to allow your customers to get to know, like and trust you:

  1.  How did you get started? Did you inherit money and that provided you the start up capital that you needed? Did you suffer an illness or injury that propelled you toward business ownership? Did you struggle with some task or issue and find a way to turn that into a business endeavor? Tell the story in your blog posts. If, for example, your story has helped you to become a time management guru, share that. If it was anger with an ongoing issue that helped you find a better way to build that mousetrap, tell your potential clients.
  2. You may not want your blog posts to be Aesop’s Fables, but can you tell your story AND impart a lesson at the same time? Give your readers some “meat” when you share your story and allow them to walk away with an “ah-ha” moment.
  3. Offer a case study. Let a potential client know how you and your products or solutions have worked for another client. Don’t share the client’s name unless you have permission, but real life examples may inspire a potential client to reach out to you because he or she is facing the same issue as your case study client did.
  4. Have you realized a vision or a business growth spurt because of a partnership you formed or because you were so inspired by a colleague or a book you’d read? Let your readers know the who, what and why of that. Your vision may be one that will resonate with a client and help them solve a problem — they will thank you for your generosity.
  5. Do you have specific values to which you adhere? If you operate with Christian business owners or if you have earned ethics awards or if you simply cannot tolerate a business colleague who is less than above board you can share those values in your posts. If you are spiritual and believe in the idea of karma, let potential clients know. You may attract kindred spirits.

Take some time to think about your business story. This is something that should be a part of your About Me page on your website and should shine through (naturally, not being forced upon readers) throughout your website.

Final thoughts on business storytelling:

  • Be authentic
  • Be personable
  • Be mindful (not every story is meant to be shared. Use discretion)

Have you thought of your business story but aren’t sure how to share that with your audience? Give our office a call or contact us via email and we can work with you on that!