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How can you reach and attract your audience when you’re an entrepreneur? Face-to-face meetings and online interactions are a couple of the ways. We have tips for entrepreneurs who blog and who want to get the biggest bang for their buck and build a community amongst their clients and potential ideal clients.

Don’t speak down to your audience. They come to you because you have the expertise, but that doesn’t mean you need to flaunt your smarts. Your readers want information that helps them solve problems in an easy-to-read and digest manner. Don’t toss in industry acronyms or buzzwords, you’re not amping up your intelligence when you do that, you’re talking down to your audience.

Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Blog

Have a schedule for when your content will go live, you can announce new products or programs, you can share industry-specific dates and events. Bottom line a content calendar will keep you and your posting on track and will help assure you’re sharing content regularly.

Be original with your content. Don’t continue to rehash the sams content — there is such a thing as evergreen content, but reptition is not it. You can certainly write about topics that others are covering, but put your own spin on it. Call attention to your unique content, your unique business by sharing your unique voice.

Don’t forget your call to action. When you end a blog post, make certain your reader knows what he or she should do next. Do you want them to comment? To buy from you? To schedule an appointment? To like your Facebook page? Whatever your call to action is, add one in at the end of your posts. You don’t need to use the same call to action in every message, but you do want to have a plan and a strategy for how you use your calls to action.

What action are you looking for from your blog and website content? We’d love to know. Leave us a comment below.

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