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Video is king and that is even more true in light of the recent algorithm changes on Facebook. Are you using video to market your business? If not, why not. If you are, how are you faring? We have tips for using video in your marketing — and you can do it on a shoestring. You don’t need to spend a mint nor do you need to have to hire a production company.

Tips For Using Video In Your Marketing

Social media videos can be “raw” live feeds. In fact, using raw video snippets may help you connect even more with your audience than if you produced a studio quality production. Yes, you want to have a good background and a good quality mic, but you can go live in your home office.

  • Does your audience like live video? Don’t just go live because “everyone else” is doing it. If your audience isn’t going to interact or attend, why are you doing live video? Video marketing needs to be part of your overall marketing plan and needs a strategy behind it.
  • Let your audience know you will be going live. If there is breaking news in your industry you may not have the luxury of time. If you’re sharing other info that isn’t breaking news, “tease” the content nd the fact that you will be live. Get them interested and keep them engaged and hope they show up! Create graphics and great intros to promote the live event.
  • Know what you’re going to say. Don’t be so rehearsed that it appears you’re reading off a teleprompter. Be natural. Be conversational. Be prepared. Make some bullet point talking topics and feel free to place them eye level behind your camera in case you get tongue tied.
  • Do a sound and connectivity check. Don’t let a bad internet connection make you become a pixelated face on a screen. If your internet connection is bad, postpone. Consider using an ethernet cable rather than wifi as ethernet is more reliable.

Have fun. Believe me, going live will get easier with time and practice. If you’re nervous, chances are you will be the only one who notices. Your audience will be eagerly awaiting the information you’re sharing, they will forgive a bit of hestitation in your speech. Relax and know the more you do it, the better you will be!

Have you used live video? Did you have a good experience?