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Social media is here to stay. Chances are this doesn’t come as a surprise, but if you are still struggling with content creation and with using social media — in all its iterations — to your business’s full advantage, here are some more ideas that you can use to implement a social media plan that serves your business, benefits your content strategy and reaches your customers!

  1. Before you can reach your customers you need to know what they want. What kind of information are they seeking? What area of expertise do you want to be known for?
  2. What is your purpose for being on social media? You need to have a strategy for your social sharing. It’s not enough to “just share every blog post that we write.” What is your purpose for being on social media? To get new customers? To share your expertise? To be seen as a thought leader?
  3. Where should you spend your time? If your ideal client is not on Facebook, you shouldn’t spend the majority of your time there. Understand your demographics and know where your ideal client gathers and talk with them there. That doesn’t mean that if you ideal client is on LinkedIn but not on Facebook as often, that you have to abandon Facebook — you just might not want to focus too many hours there.
  4. What kind of content are you putting forth? Share quality content that will help your clients address their pain points.
  5. If you have a business page and are building a business persona on your social media pages, you will want to limit the photos of you at family parties or on vacation. Leave that personal information for your personal pages.

Consider, too:

  1. What time and resources are you willing to devote to your social media plan? You need to be consistent.
  2. Who will handle your social media and do they understand your brand and its message?
  3. What is the ROI you’re seeking on social?

Take time to truly understand what your social media plan is and then implement it. If you are still struggling, contact us for a social media strategy session!