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“Everyone” is working from home and “everyone” is online looking for something to be entertained by. Why not have your blog be the entertainment they’re seeking? Why the COVID-19 quarantine is the best time to blog is something we have been talking with our coaching and swimming pool professional clients.

Blogging is everywhere. It is not going away. Because of that you need to make certain your blog is ready to welcome and embrace the potential traffic it could see if you share the “right” content and make sure it’s optimized for search (SEO).

Why The COVID-19 Quarantine Is The BEST Time To Blog

We have put together a short list of what you should evaluate on your blog to assure it’s showing off your skills and expertise at their highest level.

  1. Are you in the right niche? Are you too scattered and have you not focused and chosen a niche? People search for specific topics: swimming pools, dogs, health and fitness, home decor, etc. Is your blog focusing enough on a tight niche?
  2. How often are you posting and are you consistent? Consistency is key to repeat traffic.
  3. Is your blog set up for easy search? Does your theme focus on your most popular posts or does it simply offer up the latest posts? You should have your most popular posts easily searchable by visitors.
  4. Keywords are key. SEO is king. You need to know your niche and work the keyword of your niche into your blog posts. We use SEO by Yoast as a way to help assure our blogs are as highly searchable as possible.
  5. Are you sharing your blog post on your social media pages and in your newsletter? If you’re not, you should be.
  6. Look for a guest blogger for your site. Make certain they will share with their followers that they are a guest on your blog. If you find a blog you’d like to write a guest post for, reach out to the blog owner and see if they accept blog posts.
  7. Ask for help. If you’re blogging and just not seeing the traffic and if you share great content but still have high bounce rates, reach out to us. We can help you strategize a blog plan to help you get found in a search.

Are you blogging? How often? Is it working or are you struggling? Reach out and let us know in the comments! We can help you get qualified leads online.