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As we bid farewell to 2019 and look forward to a new decade, many people will be making New Year’s Resolutions. If your 3 New Year’s social media resolutions fall into the categories that many people choose, which include…

  1. Lose weight/exercise more
  2. Break a habit
  3. Get organized

You may want to look at your marketing and see if there are any resolutions or new strategies you will want to put into place to kick off 2020 with a marketing win!

3 New Year’s Social Media Resolutions

Let’s take some of the personal habits people make and apply them to your business.

  1. Lose weight/exercise more. Could you lose any weight from your social media workload? Is it time to delegate your social media tasks to someone else so you can focus on other areas of your business? Do you need to shed some of the social media channels on which you’re not active? Do you need to “exercise” more interaction with followers and be more frequent with your posting?
  2. Break a social media habit. Do you check your social media pages before your feet hit the floor in the morning? Are you on social media before you fall asleep at night? Are there times when you should be involved in a different activity but you’re distracted by social media or email notifications? Get into the habit of turning off social media and email notifications if you’re involved in another business task. Step away from social media and give yourself a break before bedtime. Don’t get onto email or social media before you even get out of bed in the morning – if you do that you are giving someone else control over your day.
  3. Get organized. Are you using an editorial calendar? Do you have a planned schedule for posting to your social media sites and your blog? How often are you sending out an eblast? Do you falter in posting because you just don’t know what to write about because you haven’t put a plan in place? Get organized with your life and your content by spending time developing an editorial calendar.

What social media and business marketing resolutions do you want to make in 2020? If you need help with implementation, give us a call or drop us a comment. Let’s kick the new year off right for you and your business.