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No matter how many things change in the online world, search is still king and Google still seems to be the ruler of all things digital and search. Content is king, but the way in which you use keywords and implement a search engine optimization strategy will help your content be found, rank and draw readers and potential buyers to your site. There are more but here are our 3 SEO best practice tips that should be implemented into your marketing strategy.

Is SEO a matter of dropping in a keyword or key phrase or two? Is it a strategy of just repeating the same phrases over and over in all your content? No. It is an entire strategy that needs to be well-thought-out and planned and consistent. That is what Rex Richard and his team at Peak Dynamics who work with business owners in the swimming pool industry specialize in.

3 SEO Best Practice Tips

  1. What does your customer think/know about you? How do your customers search for your business? We’re not talking about any “fancy” words by which you want to be known, but what are the words your customers use? You may be the high-end concrete pool contractor to the stars… but is that how your customer searches? Probably not. They’d probably search, for “swimming pool contractors in my area.” Are you using a swimming pool contractor keyword and keyphrase? Don’t get too clever with your keywords. Also, check your analytics to see how people are truly searching then use those keywords in your SEO strategy.
  2. Who is your ideal customer? Homeowners in Beverly Hills? New homeowners who want swimming pools? Existing pool owners who are looking for a pool remodel? Know who your ideal customer is and target them with your consider using those keywords as they are what your customers are using. If you get too clever with your keywords or key phrases and your customers never use them, you’re losing potential customers.
  3. Hop on search engines and search for businesses like yours — or your business — using the keywords you think are ideal. Does your business show up in the search? What page does your business appear on? What are other businesses that offer comparable services using for keywords? You may want to rethink your strategy and keywords. Also, keywords aren’t a one-and-done your keywords and keyphrases are ever evolving.

A final tip

Keyword stuffing is the death of your being found in a search. Google penalizes content that is keyword stuffed. What does that mean? Take this sentence for example. “I am a swimming pool contractor who constructs swimming pools for people who want to work with a swimming pool contractor to get their swimming pool constructed.” That sentence says nothing and is so full of keywords that it is unreadable and trust me, Google knows what is relevant useful content and that content being written for search only.

If you’re still struggling to be found online, reach out to Rex Richard for a free quote and to discuss your keyword strategy and your overall marketing plan.