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Your website is your 24/7 passive business card. Have you ever wondered if your website is working as hard for you as it should be — or could be? Have you looked at your Google Analytics to see if your site is getting traffic, leading to conversations or even getting people to stop scrolling and read your content? Rex Richard and his team of Industry and Destination Travel marketing professionals have put together these 3 tips for a better business website in 2024 and beyond. 

Your website should:

  1. Drive traffic to your business. Make it easy for a visitor to buy from you or get in touch with you.
  2. Help spread the word about what you do. Make sure your areas of expertise are front and center.
  3. Bring in new clients. Why else do you have a site?

3 Tips For A Better Business Website In 2024

  1. Mobile is key. More than 80% of all website visitors are on their phones or tablets when they are searching and that means your website must look as good on the go as it does at a laptop or desktop computer.
  2. It has to load fast. In our go-go-go world if your site is slow to load, people will keep moving. You have FOUR seconds to capture a visitor’s attention.
  3. Safety matters. If your site isn’t safe for searchers and doesn’t have an https or a security certificate you can bet a potential user will move right on by. Hacking is too prevalent for anyone to take a chance on a site — especially if they want to buy — that isn’t secure.

We can talk with you about other steps you can take to ensure your business website is working for you and they include content, design and ease of navigation, so reach out for your free consultation and get your website working for you today and beyond.