What is the traffic to your website and more to the point, your blog posts? Do you write a blog post and sit back and hope someone will stop by and read it? Are you sharing the blog post on your social?

Have you asked yourself whether your blog posts are attracting or detracting from your blog content? We have put together a list of at least 3 ways to write killer headlines that highlight your content, spark engagement and help your website traffic grow.

3 Ways To Write Killer Headlines

As some background for reference – close to 80% of people who use the internet will read a blog post. Don’t you want some of those eyes on your content? Of course, you do!

The first thing someone looks at in a Google search is the headline that comes up. Here are ways to ensure your headline is attention-grabbing.

  1. What does your audience want from you? If all you want is blog traffic, you will want to write content your audience wants to read. Bottom line –it’s that simple! How do you get them to read, though? By your carefully crafted headline. Analyze your audience. Do a Google searched based on your analytics and on what your ideal audience searches for. Don’t just use words in your blog headline that you want to promote – use words that your audience is searching.
  2. Test the headlines. Do your readers like lists? Top 10 ways to choose a swimming pool contractor. Do your readers like how-tos? How to choose a pool contractor. Do they like to be shocked? Never choose a swimming pool contractor who does XYZ. Test variants on headlines, then track the analytics.
  3. Use keywords that enhance your SEO strategy. Did you know that close to 70% of all online experiences begin with someone typing something in a search engine? Because of that, you need to use the words and phrases your ideal audience is using. See number 1.

Content marketing and blogging are ever-evolving. What worked today in a Google search may not work next week. Track, test, re-evaluate and shift with the trends.

Do you need help crafting headlines that resonate with readers? Rex Richard can help!

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