Blogging is one of the best ways to share news about your business in a way that is not salesy and that provides great information to the reader. There are 5 benefits of blogging that we wanted to share, but believe us, there are more than five, but you have to start somewhere, right?

5 Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging isn’t a “one and done” for your business. Blogging is a slow and steady wins the race. If you want to truly uncover some of the benefits of blogging you need to have a strategy in place and it needs to be part of your overall marketing plan.

Here are some of our thoughts:

  1. You can earn money. Again, this probably won’t happen overnight, but if you have great information that people are reading you may be able to make money by placing ads on the site — this needs to be done judiciously because you don’t want your site to be only a billboard. Affiliate marketing is also one way a blogger can supplement his or her income.
  2. You can hone your message and your offerings. Try out new products and services on your blog. Test the reaction to your potential new offerings and see how they pan out. Ask your readers for input on your potential, or your current, offerings.
  3. Become the go-to expert. If you blog consistently and with quality content on your niche topic, you will be known as the expert in your niche. Why? Because you and your blog will come up in a Google search and if you’re writing about it and your competition isn’t you have a leg up.
  4. It could be a gateway to other opportunities. Your blog, and your expertise could open doors to speaking engagements, paid guest blogging posts and to getting more clients.
  5. It is a great marketing tool. If you can write, you can blog. If you don’t have time to write, you can hire a ghostwriter who can take your thoughts and ideas and put them into words on your blog. Blogging can be easy and free and will also supplement your other social media marketing efforts.

Are you blogging? Are you seeing benefits to your efforts? Do you need help blogging? Ask us. We can help!



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