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“Hello! Come right in!” This is what someone who has signed up for your newsletter and downloaded your lead magnet are essentially saying when they sign up and throw open the doors to their inbox to you. When you get that invitation, you need to be mindful of it and we have put together 5 email marketing best practices to keep you as a welcome visitor and not a nuisance they want to unsubscribe from.

Keep in mind that your visitors do not need to sign up. They may be lured in by your lead magnet, but they could very easily grab the lead magnet and then unsubscribe as soon as they receive the download. Any time anyone signs up for your newsletter or to get your lead magnet, they are welcoming you and you don’t want to overstay your welcome nor do you want to annoy them.

How can you reward those who have signed up — after they’ve downloaded the freebie? What can you do to nurture them and make them feel good for having said hello to you?

5 Email Marketing Best Practices

  • Make it personal. If you have the option to have the subscriber enter his or her first name, use that option. Then when you email them they will see their name and it will give them the warm fuzzies!
  • Thank them for trusting you to be in their inbox. If they signed up for a free download, give them that download ASAP.
  • Be intriguing with your subject line, but don’t make them have to wonder and worry about who you are. Don’t make them puzzle over who the message is from and what it’s about. No one wants your vague email subject line, especially in this era of spam and phishing messages.
  • If you’re giving something away, offering a discount coupon or running a contest, keep all those who’ve signed up in the loop.
  • Don’t waste their time. Everyone is busy and that means make your enewsletters short, interesting and have a point. Don’t bombard your followers. If possible, let them know they will hear from you X number of times a week or month, then stick with that schedule unless you have something new and intriguing to offer that veers off that schedule.

Never just add someone to your email newsletter unless you have their permission. Especially in this age of the GDPR, you can find your email newsletter provider could shut you down if you try to bypass permission marketing.

Are you struggling with newsletter content? A lead magnet? How to even start a newsletter list? Contact Rex Richards and work with him and his team to kick start your email newsletter marketing. Your list is gold, don’t rely on social media, like Facebook, as your source of connection.

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