If you have individuals signing up for your newsletter they are essentially opening their doors and saying, “come on in.” Once you’re in you want to be a good guest, right? How to make email sequences meaningful is what we will be discussing because if you’re a guest who becomes an unwanted guest you will have readers unsubscribe from your list.

The names on your email list should be considered business assets. These are individuals who thought enough of you that they want to learn more from you. That is a valuable asset that you want to nurture. There is nothing more valuable than the trust of a potential client — someone who has put his or her name on your email capture form.

After you’ve captured their name — and want to build your trust with them — you need to nurture the relationship through a well planned email campaign.

How To Make Email Sequences Meaningful

  • Teach them. If you promised great info and education, make sure you deliver. What is the name of your email newsletter? What do you believe your recipients are expecting? Entertain them. Inform them. Share valuable information that they can use in their daily lives and in their businesses.
  • Keep it simple. When you send an email follow up, don’t bombard your reader with a 2,000 word email. Tease them with the topic, the title and give them a few sentences. Keep ’em wanting more so they will click over to your site to read the rest.
  • What do you want them to do next? A call to action (CTA) is crucial. If you’re in someone’s inbox and they read your message, what do you want them to do next? Click to your site? Buy your product or service? Sign up to work with you? Grab your special email newsletter subscriber only offer? Your CTA is crucial to your business success — use this valuable real estate wisely!

How often do you send a newsletter? What do you use as a lead magnet? If you’re not sending a newsletter or using a lead magnet, reach out to us we can help you put together a strategy for content and for enewsletters.


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