You’ve built an editorial calendar. You understand what your readers want to know. You realize that having a blog is a great way to keep your website ranking with Google, but do you know how to write blog posts that people will read? 

That is the question we’re researching today. If you’re writing blog posts and no one is reading them, why bother? Take a deep breathe and relax. There is a way to help assure you content is getting read and we have some suggestions to help you with blogging success.

How To Write Blog Posts People Will Read

The content you share on your site is as important as the way in which you share it. There are some blog posts that are more searchable and that readers seem to enjoy more than other. The reason some blog posts just don’t get read is because they are too dense; there are no graphics, no images, no paragraph breaks or even bullet points, numbered lists or bold subheads. Whew! That’s a lot to think about!

Here are some blog styles that get read more often. Try one of these styles and see if you have greater success!

  1. How-to posts. Note that this is a “how-to” post. People want to learn. They love how-tos and they will search for how-to posts when they want to know how to do something. Give ’em what they want!
  2. List posts. These are just what they sound like — a list of like items. People like that a list article promises to help them with a particular issue. For example, you could have a list article of: top ten ways to do XYZ, 15 ways a virtual assistant can help, 5 ways to get your blog post read.
  3. Round up articles. In this type of blog post, you’re going online and gathering resources and putting them all into one post under a singular topic heading. For example: top ten bloggers tell you how to achieve success, five top CEOs give success insights. You would give an intro to the post you’re mentioning then link the reader over to the original source to read the post.
  4. Guides. A guide could be considered a “white paper.” It’s an indepth look at a particular topic. A guide could be considered the definitive, authorative source for your topic. For example: a definitive guide to blog post success
  5. A guest post. Look for an expert in your industry or your niche or outside your niche that complements what you do. Ask them to write a post for you. When they do that, hopefully they will share the post on their site with their audience and your website will be exposed to a new group of readers.

What kind of blog posts do you write? do any of these styles appeal to you? Try one and measure your success.  If you don’t have a blog strategy in place, let us know. We can help.


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