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If you’re writing a blog and no one is reading it, it’s akin to a tree falling in the woods. If it falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise? Ideas that get readers to your blog are crucial for many reasons but two include: Why keep writing if no one is reading and you’re writing posts to share your expertise and knowledge and if it’s falling on deaf ears, what can you do to enhance time on page?

Here are ideas that get readers to your blog

  1. Use a “headline formula.” These are tried and true headlines that include: Top Ten Tips, Secrets Of…, How-To. Tried And True Methods to Do XYZ… Use a “trigger word” then add an adjective and a keyword and then your promise.
  2. Make the text of your blog post readable. Break it up with short paragraphs, bullet points, numbered lists, subheads and images. Keep your readers’ attention by making it easy to read and digest your post.
  3. Share real life examples from your clients who have successfully worked with you.
  4. Write your “hook” the lead-in sentence with care. The lead in sentence and your headline are the two most important parts of your blog post.
  5. Be clear and relevant.
  6. Blog posts don’t have to be thousands of words long. A blog post should be at least 300 words long — to satisfy Google search — but once you’ve shared your one idea, end the post. If the post is going to run long, turn it into a series.
  7. Tell a story. Business storytelling is “big” right now and with good reason. Stories resonate with readers. What is your business story? Share it in your blog posts. Share the business stories of your clients as well.

Blogging “success” is not something that happens over night, it is a slow and steady wins the race type marketing strategy. Start blogging, stick with it and measure success.

If you’re not sure where to begin with your business blog, drop us an email and let us know how we can help.









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