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Did you know that businesses who use blogging as part of their content and marketing strategy receive close to 60% more business from clients than do businesses that don’t have blogging as part of their content strategy? If that isn’t a compelling reason you need blogging in your content strategy, I can’t think of one that would compel you!

Reasons You Need Blogging In Your Content Strategy

  1. It should be considered a critical marketing component. If you blog, your potential customers can find you, read about you and get to know you, your products and services and make a connection.
  2. You can be seen as the expert in your field if you’re blogging. You are sharing expertise with every blog post you write. If your competition isn’t blogging, then who will be seen as knowing “it all” — it will be you!
  3. You build trust with potential clients through your blog.
  4. When you blog you are getting Google juice and people will be better able to find you in a search.
  5. When you share content on your blog you own the content. When you share content on social media sites, exclusively, you are building your home on rented ground. If Facebook or Twitter go away and you’ve been sharing your content there, it will be gone as well.
  6. When you blog you have news to share on social media.
  7. When you blog you can be first in your industry to share insights and information that your clients and potential clients are seeking.
  8. Blogging is better than paying for advertising.
  9. When you blog you can go into your Google analytics and plan for your next blog post based on the search information you’ve uncovered.

Are you blogging for your business? If not, why not? What’s stopping you from making blogging part of your overall marketing and content strategy? Contact us if you’re stuck. We can help you prepare a content strategy and we can blog on your behalf.

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