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If you’re wondering how to take your blogging to the next level, read on for tips. We work with many business professionals who find that their efforts at blogging will take them to a specific level and then they plateau. There are ways to break through the blogging plateau and propel your blog toward greater heights and toward more of a return on your investment, but you need to be willing to make some changes.

How To Take Your Blogging To The Next Level

  •  Outsource the blogging to a writing professional. If you’re the one responsible for your blog content and you are also running the business, you need to step back and delegate the writing tasks to a blogging professional. You can hire a staff member or outsource the writing to a marketing pro who can help with the writing, editing and marketing of your blog.
  •  Images will “sell” your content. If you’re blogging and not breaking up the test with bullet points, numbers, subheads and especially images, you are not going to see the “eyes on the page” you’re hoping for. Choose clear images that highlight the point you’re making in your blog post. Readers have short attention spans and images help keep them interested and engaged.
  • Share new knowledge. Don’t keep rehashing what you have already told yoru readers. Give them new insights that they won’t find anywhere else. Or even if they do find it somewhere else, you should put your unique spin on the new information and knowledge.
  • Re-purpose old articles that drove traffic to your site. If you have high performing articles — check your Google Analytics — re-purpose those. You can update the information and republish it or you can turn the blog post into a vlog or an infographic.
  • Have a call to action at the end of each post. When a reader finishes your post he or she should be offered a call to action, CTA, that prompts them to further interact with you. Whether you want them to sign up for your newsletter, give you a call, leave a comment — anything that promotes engagement can be used.

Do you re-purpose your content? Are you struggling to get your blog posts the traffic you feel they deserve? If you answered yes to the latter question, drop us an email and let’s talk content strategy.


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