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Everything you do in your business needs to be done for a reason and with purpose. This is why you need a blogging strategy. It isn’t enough to “have blogged.” You need a strategy behind:

  1. Why you’ve blogged
  2. What you will blog about
  3. What the call to action is

If you’re blogging just because “everyone else is doing it” you will be wasting your time and your money.

The blogging you do for your business needs to be done with a plan and a purpose in mind. You need to have a way to measure the results and then you can determine whether it’s worth pursuing further.

Why You Need A Blogging Strategy

Here are some reasons to consider blogging for your business:
  • To define your buyer personas
  • To analyze what the competition is doing
  • To develope a keyword strategy
  • To refine your message and your market
  • To create a content calendar to carry you throughout the year
  • To help refine on which social media channels you will interact

If you don’t have a strategy for your blogging, you will be wasting valuable time and money and no business owner has the resources for that.

Here are some reasons to blog:

  1. To increase your authority and share your expertise
  2. To build your brand within the marketplace and your niche
  3. To increase your searchability on Google and other search engines. The more focused your keywords and the frequency with which you blog will increase your traffic
  4. Generate organic (rather than paid) leads for your business
  5. Create an engaged community of supporters of your business

Take time to create a blogging strategy, or to review and revamp your current blogging strategy. When you have a blogging strategy in place it will direct you to the number of times per week/month to blog, which keywords to use and which metrics will show success or let you know how to course correct.

If you don’t have a blogging strategy and need one. Give us a shout or drop us a message or contact us to receive a free quote.


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