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“You should write a book!” Have you had colleagues tell you that? Maybe you should. Maybe you shouldn’t. There are a myriad of things to consider. If you’re going to use your book as a marketing tool or as a way to garner more speaking engagements and elevate your business, I say go for it.

If you are going to pen a book without a sense of direction, though I urge you to hire a ghostwriter or put that thought on the back burner until you have an actual plan.

Your Book As A Marketing Tool

I you want to write a book, for whatever your reasons are, here are some items to ponder.

  1. What do you have to say that’s original? If you’re just rehashing a book that is in print, why should someone buy yours instead of the one that’s already on the market? Do you have a unique take on a topic? Really? If you aren’t sure, ask colleagues. If you’re going to write a book based on years of experience and on a topic about which you are known as an expert, then maybe you should go for it.
  2. Look at the competition. Every book on the market has some sort of competition. I’ll bet I could find a competitor for Harry Potter and I probably wouldn’t have to look too hard. It may not be as commercially successful, but I’ll bet you do have competition on the shelves.
  3.  Don’t skimp on the title or the cover. If you’re not great at attention getting titles or headlines, hire someone to help you. Don’t design your book cover in your desktop publishing program with stock photos. Spend money. Make it sing. Your book will be judged on the first impression — the title and the cover — you need to make it count.
  4. Who will read your book? Don’t say “everyone.” Choose an audience and gear your book toward them.
  5. Hire a proofreader and an editor. No matter how meticulous you are, mistakes will slip through especially after you’ve read, and reread the content. Shell out the money for an editor and a proofreader — you will be happy you did.
  6. How does your book align with your brand?
  7. You may not be able to quit your day job the day your book goes live on Amazon. Even Stephen King wasn’t an overnight success.

Keep in mind that writing your book is only the first in a long line of steps. You need to spend time marketing the book through your website, blogging and social media. Remember, if you don’t tell people about it you won’t make the sales you’re anticipating.

Have you written a book? Do you have a marketing plan in place? If not, we can help!