
Strategic Integrated-Hybrid™ Solution

How To Get The Attention Of Google

How To Get The Attention Of Google

Do you want to write all your blog posts and all of your content with the only goal in mind being to please the Google Gods? We certainly hope not BUT you cannot ignore the fact that Google will help your site rank – or not – and how to get the attention of Google...

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How To Show Your Expertise On Social Media

How To Show Your Expertise On Social Media

Social media is a blessing… and a curse. It’s a blessing because you can keep in touch with people AND you can meet and connect and start or continue your business. There are ways to share your expertise on social media that will have your followers wanting to reach...

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Is Your Business Suffering Because You’re Wasting Time?

Is Your Business Suffering Because You’re Wasting Time?

Ask any entrepreneur if they waste time or procrastinate and only the brutally honest ones will tell you that yes, they do. Is your business suffering because you're wasting time? That may not be a question you've ever asked yourself, but now that I've brought it...

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5 Ways To Write Great Meta Descriptions

5 Ways To Write Great Meta Descriptions

If you want to “be found” in a Google search you need to build an online presence that helps you do just that. There are a myriad of elements that go into the online presence building tactics and one of those ways are to have a great meta description strategy. We have...

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What Are The Benefits Of Email Marketing?

What Are The Benefits Of Email Marketing?

Email marketing is, and remains, an effective way to contact and stay in front of your clients. Better yet, when you’re email marketing, you are in their inbox because they invited you in! Email marketing is an effective way to deliver a message and prompt action...

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Should you automate your social media?

Should you automate your social media?

Should you automate your social media? There are many good reasons to do just that BUT even if you do, you still want to go in and interact with people who are commenting on your status updates. After all, the whole idea of social media is to be social, right? We have...

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