Strategic Integrated-Hybrid™ Solution
Why E-mail Pop Ups Work
Ask any blog owner and he or she will tell you, "I hate email pop up" or "exit messages" on their sites. Ask any marketing professional and he or she will tell you why e-mail pop ups work. They are an effective marketing tool if you're looking to grow your newsletter...
How To Get More Social Media Clicks And Views
If you write a social media post and no one reads it, was it worth writing? That may be a loaded question, but we do have some tips on how to more social media clicks and views on your next post and/or campaign. There are analytics you can research until you’re...
Automation Helps Get More Done In Less Time
Who's got time for that?! Well, when it comes to social media and interacting with your followers and community, you need to make time. Automation helps you get more done in less time and that could free you up to interact with those who are commenting and sharing...
Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Scams
If a cyberhacker can find any way to profit from a disaster or pandemic, he or she will. We have tips to help you protect yourself from coronavirus scams. They are being uncovered and perpetrated on unsuspecting individuals on an almost daily basis. Entrepreneurs need...
Connecting With Customers During Coronavirus
Bars, restaurants, meeting places, coffee shops -- everything is closed or is take-out only. How do you keep connecting with customers during coronavirus if you can't meet face-to-face and shake hands? You take to Zoom or Facebook live meetings and you connect...
Blogging In The Time Of Coronavirus
Let's talk Coronavirus (COVID-19). Let's talk blogging in the time of coronavirus. If you haven't been living under a rock, you cannot escape the conversation. Television, radio, newspaper and every social media platform and conversation with your family is peppered...