Social media has a dirty little secret that you may not be aware of. What is it? If Facebook or Twitter or any social platform decides to shut you down — and they can and do — very arbitrarily I might add. You have lost all your followers, connections and...
No matter how many things change in the online world, search is still king and Google still seems to be the ruler of all things digital and search. Content is king, but the way in which you use keywords and implement a search engine optimization strategy will help...
It’s hard to believe but we are into the third quarter of 2022 and if you’re still wondering how to amp up your social media marketing and end the year strong, Rex Richard and Peak Dynamics the swimming pool industry marketing experts are here to help....
At the end of the day do you look at what you’ve done and feel a sense of satisfaction? Do you look at what you’ve done and wonder… what did you do? Why do you waste time? Yes, there are some people who truly do waste time — they scroll through...
Love them or hate them, website pop-ups and sign-ups that pop up remain on websites because they work. Why do website pop-ups work? Because they are right there, in the face of the visitor to your site and it prompts them to take action. The visitor doesn’t have...