Strategic Integrated-Hybrid™ Solution
Content Marketing Tips
Content Marketing Tips Let's face it, as with anything there are best practices for any marketing that you undertake for your business. In this article I will share with you some content marketing tips that you may want to adapt as your own best practices for your...
5 Ways A Blog Can Grow Your Business
5 Ways A Blog Can Grow Your Business A blog for your business is one of the quickest ways to establish your authority. If it weren't the case, you wouldn't see so many entrepreneurs blogging. Blogs are ideal whether you're a marketer, a dog groomer, accountant or pool...
Craft A Company Social Media Policy
Craft a company social media policy as a way to make certain everyone on the team is sharing the same message across all of your social media platforms. It's tempting to hire a social media "person" for your business and just let them loose on your social media pages....
Social Media Terms You Should Know
Social media terms you should know to maximize your online efforts. Social media is a moving target. Just as you learn one style or format or even a "best practice" the gurus change something or Google revamps its algorithm and everything you'd thought was a best...
Social Media Marketing Laws
What are some social media marketing laws you, as an entrepreneur, should follow? There are a few and while you may follow all of them, some of them, or none of them you do want to remember that when you're on social, be certain you're sharing information that your...
Reasons To Automate Social Media Posts
Reasons To Automate Social Media Posts Being on social media "live" 24/7 simply isn't practical or feasible for the entrepreneur, but you just don't know when your audience is online so you may need to make it appear as though you are online and live throughout the...