Step Back And Count Your Blessings

Step Back And Count Your Blessings

Thanksgiving has just passed. Christmas and New Year’s will soon be upon us. As an entrepreneur, I understand that I need to step back and count my blessings and I urge you to count your blessings too. The holidays are busy. There is so much family activity and...
How To Generate Biz Thru Your Website

How To Generate Biz Thru Your Website

Remember that almost twenty-four hour period in 2021 when Facebook was inaccessible? Did you go into panic mode because you couldn’t make sales or interact with potential customers? Did you worry that all the time, money and effort you’d put into your...
5 Email Marketing Best Practices

5 Email Marketing Best Practices

“Hello! Come right in!” This is what someone who has signed up for your newsletter and downloaded your lead magnet are essentially saying when they sign up and throw open the doors to their inbox to you. When you get that invitation, you need to be mindful...
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