
Strategic Integrated-Hybrid™ Solution

How To Write Copy That Sells

How To Write Copy That Sells

If you’re spending time and money writing content and copy you want it to work for you, right? That’s why you need to learn how to write copy that sells… without being salesy. It is a delicate balancing act. These are tips you may have heard before, but many of them...

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4 Ways To Tell Your Business Story

4 Ways To Tell Your Business Story

Gone are the days of giving an elevator speech at a networking event. Sure, potential clients want to know if they need the services you're offering but today potential clients want to know WHY you do what you do. There are a myriad of ways to tell what you do and why...

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What Is Your Business Online Visibility?

What Is Your Business Online Visibility?

We're not saying you need to be paranoid, but we wonder if you know what people are saying about you and your business. What is your business's online visiblity? Are you found in a search? Are you and your business being found for the search terms you want to be found...

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Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

It would seem like after this many years of my coaching swimming pool clients and other entrepreneurs that we wouldn't still be writing about blogging and how it can help a business grow its authority. We have done another round-up of why you need a blog: 7 more...

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Blogging 101: Why To Start One

Blogging 101: Why To Start One

We give a lot of strategy and advice on how to amplify the messages on your blog, but we wanted to take a step back and do a blogging 101 and explain why to start one. There are new businesses being started every day and they may throw up a website, set up social...

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3 Ways To Write Killer Headlines

3 Ways To Write Killer Headlines

What is the traffic to your website and more to the point, your blog posts? Do you write a blog post and sit back and hope someone will stop by and read it? Are you sharing the blog post on your social? Have you asked yourself whether your blog posts are attracting or...

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