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3 Ways To Blog More For Your Business

3 Ways To Blog More For Your Business

If you’re like most business owners you know you should be blogging but you also wonder when you’re going to find the time. Many entrepreneurs also know they are not writers. They are experts in their niche, but writing is not their forte. We do have 3...
Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

It would seem like after this many years of my coaching swimming pool clients and other entrepreneurs that we wouldn’t still be writing about blogging and how it can help a business grow its authority. We have done another round-up of why you need a blog: 7 more...
3 Ways To Write Killer Headlines

3 Ways To Write Killer Headlines

What is the traffic to your website and more to the point, your blog posts? Do you write a blog post and sit back and hope someone will stop by and read it? Are you sharing the blog post on your social? Have you asked yourself whether your blog posts are attracting or...
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