Do you need tips to make blogging efforts pay off? Chances are you have heard that you “need to blog” and we agree. Blogging is a way to show your authority, share your expertise, own your own property (if social media sites go away, so do all your...
When we work with our clients we help them put together an editorial calendar. These are great tools to keep you moving forward with blogging and marketing efforts. An editorial calendar will help you keep up with industry-specific events or holidays you want to write...
Is your business Instagram-worthy? Do you have products or services you can take photos of and share on Instagram? Do you go to meetings or host events that would lend themselves to Instagram Stories? Instagram remains a powerful and visual platform. We have 7 tips to...
If you’re spending time and money writing content and copy you want it to work for you, right? That’s why you need to learn how to write copy that sells… without being salesy. It is a delicate balancing act. These are tips you may have heard before, but many of them...
Gone are the days of giving an elevator speech at a networking event. Sure, potential clients want to know if they need the services you’re offering but today potential clients want to know WHY you do what you do. There are a myriad of ways to tell what you do...