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Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

Why You Need A Blog: 7 More Reasons

It would seem like after this many years of my coaching swimming pool clients and other entrepreneurs that we wouldn’t still be writing about blogging and how it can help a business grow its authority. We have done another round-up of why you need a blog: 7 more...
5 Things To Stop Doing On Social Media

5 Things To Stop Doing On Social Media

Is your social media stalled? Has your engagement dropped? Have you been losing followers? Don’t blame it on Facebook’s algorithms – although, yes, some of them are problematic. When you’re trying to grow your business through social media and drive traffic to your...
5 Ways To Save Time

5 Ways To Save Time

Are you as effective as you could be? Do you waste time? Are you not even sure if you’re wasting time? We have 5 ways to save time on your tasks. We know you can’t quite “manage” time because we all have the same number of seconds in an hour...
How To Ensure Your Blog’s Success

How To Ensure Your Blog’s Success

If you’re starting a blog for your business you want it to be a success, right? If you don’t then why would you start one? When I work with our clients in the swimming pool and other industries, I talk about the importance of a website and how a blog can help them be...
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